Every dollar and every donation returns to our community - so when you support us, you are investing in a healthier, happier future for everyone.

How It Started

The Rosebud Health Foundation was established in 1996 by a team of volunteers with the aim of ensuring that contributions and legacies from appreciative healthcare beneficiaries and memorials benefit the community.

The Foundation Board focuses on identifying essential requirements across all aspects of local healthcare. Upon receiving a request for a specific item or need, the Board raises funds or utilizes existing donations to fulfill that particular requirement.


Who We Are


The RBHF is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing healthcare initiatives in the communities of Didsbury, Carstairs, Cremona, and Water Valley. By enhancing access to healthcare services and providing funding for medical equipment, our focus is on improving the quality of healthcare delivery. Our main objective is to elevate the well-being and healthcare standards within our local communities.

What We Do


The RBHF provides an avenue through which the general public may provide bequests and financial support to enhance and improve the delivery of healthcare in the Didsbury District Health Services area.

Our volunteer Board of Directors engages in a variety of fund raising activities to provide more dollars for local health care in the Hospital Acute Care, Long Term Care Units, Home Care Services and Public Health.

The work of the Foundation greatly enhances the services provided already by Alberta Health.

How We Do It


The Rosebud Health Foundation Board prioritizes items and requirements for local healthcare across all stages. Requests are made by individuals within our local healthcare system. Once an item or need is chosen, the Board raises funds or utilizes existing donations to fulfill it.

The RBHF is overseen by nine community volunteers, including a chairman, treasurer, and secretary. Additionally, a foundation Coordinator is employed within the foundation.

2024 - Second Annual Spring Fling
2024 - Second Annual Spring Fling

Rosebud Spring Fling

The Rosebud Spring Fling is our annual fundraising gala, an event that combines entertainment, food, and a silent auction to support local healthcare in the communities of Didsbury, Carstairs, Cremona and Water Valley.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed, ensuring this event's continued success and impact. Together, we are making a difference—one donation at a time.


Recent Accomplishments

Here’s what the Rosebud Health Foundation has been up to...

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Three air pumps were purchased for the acute care unit at Didsbury Hospital. The purpose of the air pumps is to provide additional support for patients who require a special mattress due to wounds, pressure areas, increased pain, or those needing additional support with turning and repositioning. The air pump is particularly useful for patients receiving end-of-life care as it provides additional comfort and support.

These air pumps are interchangeable with all the beds and can be used for multiple patients. 




The E-Pacer provides a safe environment for patients to practice walking, standing, balance, and strength exercises when they are unable to walk or stand independently. It also reduces the number of clinicians required to assist a patient, freeing up clinicians to see other patients. The equipment will improve patient and staff safety and reduce the need for 2 clinicians during gait/balance training for patients with complex injuries.

The rehab team had the opportunity to trial the equipment and found that it made a huge difference in the patients' progress and their ability to participate in standing exercises. Staff will be able to provide more advanced interventions with reduced risk of injury to the patients and themselves.

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An improvement to the triage area within the emergency department at Didsbury Hospital as the current triage area was outdated and affords the patient no private area in which to disclose their health issues to the triage nurse.

In order to adequately provide dignified and private care a solution to the issue of privacy was badly needed.